Meet Merix: Aleksandra - PR Manager

In Merixstudio Ola takes care of image and promotion activities. Privately she falls in love with every animal she meets (but she especially loves her dachshund named Pati) and is our main vegetarian in Merixstudio. Ola also has quite a vast knowledge on pop culture - it is thanks to her that we are always up to date with even the weirdest events of show business. She is a fan of a lot of tv series (especially the British ones), which she binge watches one after another. Ola has a clearly defined goal in her life - within 5 years she wants to take control over BuzzFeed (and we obviously support her in her dream);)

  • Tell us something about yourself.
    A bit of a geek, a bit of a chatterbox (but apparently I’m also quite good at listening). I don't like to be in one place for too long. The only exception is when I’m deep into watching a good tv-show - in those situations I usually have to watch all episodes in one day. ;)
  • What are your main responsibilities at Merxistudio?
    I’m a part of our PR department. Our main task is to work on the image of MerixStudio. We devote a lot of time to our blog and social media profiles - all articles that you can read here are edited by us, just like all posts on Facebook or Twitter. When it comes to managing social media my undisputed favorite is Instagram, which I’ve taken over as my project. On this platform I can show people more of a geeky side of Merixstudio. Apart from that I happen to work a little bit on projects related to Employer Branding - as Bartek once said, I'm a Chief Fun Officer.
  • How do you work? What is important to you while working?
    My work is divided into two paths - priority projects that I must take care of during the day and the ones that are related to additional implementations of interesting ideas that constantly get into our heads. I like to start my day with writing a todo list. Thanks to that I can avoid working in chaos, which is quite a probable risk when you are working on few things at the same time. Because of that I have my list of responsibilities for a day - moving from point to point allows me to control my love of doing everything at the same time. At work the most important for me is the atmosphere - without it I simply cannot work, especially when my tasks require creativity. I’m incredibly lucky that our department is based on cooperation and good relations - because of that I can learn a lot and constantly develop my own ideas - there's nothing better that a good brainstorm.
  • Tell us something about your beginnings in the company.
    I started my work with an internship at Godealla. I was supposed to work here only for 3 months, but not a long time ago I had my first anniversary of being a Merixstudio's employee! At the beginning my duties were related to managing discount coupons and writing articles for Gdzie promocja blog. Since I walked through the door of our office for the first time I "reclassified" three times - at first I was helping Ania and Monika with Godealla, then I was working with Maciek on New Business projects. Nowadays I dealing mostly with PR, which is what I like the most and what I find the most fulfilling!
  • What have you learned while working at Merixstudio?
    I learned everything about my work - for instance how to professionally take care of corporate blog or that social media profile takes more that posting something once in awhile. :) Lately, with yours and Kasia’s help I’m working on my Photoshop skills - thank you for your patience! In Merixstudio I also learned how to communicate with business clients and had the opportunity to get familiar with web development, about which up until now I’ve known nothing about . As you can see, the list is endless!
  • What do you like most about working at Merixstudio?
    I.m going to be really original - what I like most is… the atmosphere! Because of friendly people I’m not afraid to pursue my ideas or ask (stupid or not) questions.
  • What was the biggest challenge you faced while working at the Merixstudio?
    Funnily enough, the most challenging was to start my work - at first I was scared to death when I even heard about working in New Business! But it quickly turned out that nobody expected me to immediately be a specialist in the field. I had time to learn and get familiar with the topic.
  • Which project you liked the most from the ones you worked on in Merixstudio?
    My favorite mini-projects are monthly summaries of what is happening in Merixstudio. In those articles I can get creative with weird backlinks or GIFs and drew a little more attention to some of our best entries on Instagram. I find writing a summary to be quite relaxing, so I always can’t wait for the end of the month. :)
  • What was your first contact with web technologies? When did you make a decision that you want to work in IT?
    I’ve never had anything to do with this industry. Before I joined Merixstudio it was unknown world to me and to be fair I wasn’t really interested in it. However, I’ve changed my mind when I heard that Merixstudio is hiring - as an intern at Godealla I felt very welcomed and didn’t want to say goodbye to the people!
  • What do you think is most difficult (and most interesting) in your work as PR Manager?
    The most difficult was to get familiar with web development and understand what I’m reading when I edit articles for our blog. :) All our employees, not only PR department, must keep their finger on the pulse when it comes to trends. Sometimes we work on several projects at the same time, what requires concentration and good division of labor. But thanks to that we can never get bored and even projects that seem similar can teach us something new - there is an interesting challenge in almost everything we do.
  • First thing you do when you arrive at the office.
    I check my inbox, make coffee and breakfast, turn on Spotify and plan my whole day.
  • iOS or Android?
    Android – iOS and I really don’t like each other.
  • What do you do in your free time after work?
    I mainly watch films and tv-shows - it slowly starting to be an addiction! If I’m not sitting with tea and Netflix at home, then you might meet me at Kino muza - there is no such thing as too many movies! To give my eyes a rest I cook and hang out with my friends.
  • Your favorite childhood hero is...
    Fred i George from Harry Potter – who wouldn’t like to be their friends?
  • Favorite place in Poznań.
    Klub Dragon.
  • Beer or vodka?
  • Favorite sport.
    I don’t watch sport, but I like going to the swimming pool or gym. I miss basketball, which I used to play quite often - it’s the best discipline ever!
  • Dog or cat?
    Dog, especially dachshund. Even better, few dachshunds at the same time!
  • Which website you visit the most?
    BuzzFeed, where I can find both interesting articles and the ones that are so stupid, that my brain can have some rest while I read them. On Buzzfeed I can also check out some interesting DIYs that I will never try at home. ;)
  • Favorite app
    Spotify – best purchase ever!
  • If you could only visit one website for the rest of your life, what site would that be?
    Filmweb – I have to know which films and tv-shows are there to watch.
  • If you could have your dream job, what would it be?
    Definitely something creative - music or screenwriting.
  • What is your New Year resolution?
    Keeping a calendar - forgetting about birthdays has to end!

Want to read more interviews with our coworkers? Check out our blog and #MeetMerix!

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