An investment in customer experience yields a 30% surge in sales

Renewable energy & Sustainability
Desktop & Mobile
Project size

Autarq’s solar roof configurator, developed with Merixstudio, enables seamless quoting and drives sales growth by 30%.

Digitalized process of getting a quote for solar roof tiles
Lighthouse accessibility score on desktop & mobile
Time-saving integrations
Decrease in JavaScript code weight

The project utilized technologies like React, Next.js for the front-end, and Node.js with Strapi CMS for the backend. Integrations included Google Maps and Usercentrics, and DevOps tools like Kubernetes and Helm ensured scalability. Prometheus, Grafana, and Loki were used for monitoring. The team followed Scrum methodology with extensive testing using Cypress, ensuring a robust and responsive website.

Provided services

Web development

Strapi in Node.js (headless CMS), PostgreSQL, Node.js, React, Fully Responsive Web Design, Apollo GraphQL client

Quality Assurance

Testing on simulators (BrowserStack, Xcode), Testing on real and mobile tablet devices (iOS and Android), Manual Testing, E2E tests in Cypress for roof configurator app, Cypress, Browserstack, Accessibility testing (Lighthouse)

Problems to solve

The main goal of Autarq’s advanced platform and configurator was to popularize the company’s product and digitalize (accelerate) their sales processes to generate more revenue. The fully digitalized solar roof tiles quotation tool (configurator) is an important part of the website where, within a few steps, users — including Autarq’s end clients — can get a price offer with details of their future solar roofing system. Attracting paying customers and business partners via web and mobile is that much easier with a fully responsive website and automated quotations.

“Digitalization of industry and our complex environment is key to a mass market approach (...). [It] is a central element of our future evolution. We want to start by providing the users with a great user experience, starting from the configurator that they can use on our website, where they can basically configure their system and get an idea of what it would look like and, potentially, cost, if they were to deploy a building-integrated PV solution.”
Kai Buntrock
CEO, Autarq GmbH

Scope of the work

Some of the deciding factors in choosing Merixstudio were our ability to deploy a mature team at short notice, top programming practices, and experience in the sustainability domain.

  1. Creating a website to present the company’s BIPV offer
  2. Implementing user-centered features, incl. a fully digitalized solar roof quotation option and modern accessibility enablements
  3. Collaborating with multiple stakeholders to execute the website in tight deadlines
  4. Web development, including fully Responsive Web Design (RWD)
  5. Conducting DevOps and back-end works and coding the app’s front-end
  6. Technological consultancy, Scrum process management, and tech leadership across two development teams working on separate deliverables
  7. Conducting manual and accessibility tests, E2E tests, and testing on real devices and simulators


The name Autarq comes from autarky, meaning self-sufficiency. The concept originating from ancient Greece is used here to mean energy self-sufficiency, with Autarq enabling households to produce energy autonomously from its innovative solar roof tiles. We’re proud to support our client on a sustainable mission and lay our brick in the digital foundation for their future growth, especially during skyrocketing energy prices, energy transition efforts, and broken supply chains.

The main challenge of this project was accelerating the company’s business momentum and profit realization with a brand-new digital tool and responsive website. So, time was of the essence. To deliver the website in approx. two months, we put out a dedicated team in the capacity of a technological partner. We used the Scrum methodology with a Product Owner-Scrum Manager setup to facilitate effective execution. With time gains in mind, we also split the team into two units working collaboratively.

Seamless integrations

The name Autarq comes from autarky, meaning self-sufficiency. The concept originating from ancient Greece is used here to mean energy self-sufficiency, with Autarq enabling households to produce energy autonomously from its innovative solar roof tiles. We’re proud to support our client on a sustainable mission and lay our brick in the digital foundation for their future growth, especially during skyrocketing energy prices, energy transition efforts, and broken supply chains.

The main challenge of this project was accelerating the company’s business momentum and profit realization with a brand-new digital tool and responsive website. So, time was of the essence. To deliver the website in approx. two months, we put out a dedicated team in the capacity of a technological partner. We used the Scrum methodology with a Product Owner-Scrum Manager setup to facilitate effective execution. With time gains in mind, we also split the team into two units working collaboratively.

DevOps support

We used Kubernetes for container management and Hetzners’ Load Balancer to account for future website scalability needs and improve performance. We also ensured that infrastructure is properly monitored using open-source Prometheus, Grafana, and Loki-stack.

The Infrastructure as a Code setup in the Ansible automation tool helps to manage infrastructure changes, provides easy-to-read documentation, and supports version control. We also employed an object-relational database in PostgreSQL.

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Optimizing product presentation, performance, and quality assurance for an enhanced user experience

As the website supports the client's sales efforts, we took special care to the product presentation, configurator, and overall website usability. The product web page features a number of animations and interactive components written in the Framer Motion Library.

We used the WebP format to compress resources without losing their quality. This optimization resulted in a 93% reduction in asset size for the 75 images and animation used on the product page. Another tactic used to reduce weight was to prepare a selection of different-sized versions of the same image and display the one that best fits the user's screen.

To deliver the MVP quickly, on the Quality Assurance (QA) side, we focused on manual tests, specifying the requirements, and using experience-based techniques such as exploratory testing. Our QA experts conducted accessibility tests, tests on real mobile and tablet devices (iOS and Android) and on simulators (BrowserStack, Xcode). We also conducted end-to-end automated tests in Cypress for regression within the roof configurator paths.

Tech Leadership

All in all, Tech Leadership, our product teams’ joint success, was indispensable for delivering a highly usable website for our client in approx. two months. Our mostly senior specialists demonstrated a high level of ownership, used top communication tactics, and showcased business acumen to understand the client’s priorities. We also managed requirements proactively to ensure the priority scope was delivered on time.

The Autarq project specifically benefited from the Tech Lead role, which involved taking sensible tech stack decisions, implementing top engineering practices, providing tech mentorship for the team, and collaborating with stakeholders.

Within our tech leadership efforts, we also maintained a lean code. Using Next.js and Webpack Bundle Analyzer, we kept the code’s weight to a minimum. We sectioned off some of the components, functions, and packages into separate modules, which resulted in approx. 20% decrease in the JavaScript (JS) code weight. We also used Server-side rendering (SSR) for faster website loading and additional SEO and UX advantages.

Business outcomes

The installation process for the solar roof setup has been designed to be both safe and as straightforward as 1-2-3. The website we provided for our client is equally user-friendly, featuring an intuitive configurator that allows users to obtain a price estimate for their future solar rooftop in just a few simple steps. Moreover, it has delivered tangible business results for our client, including:

  1. A more than 30% increase in sales.
  2. A 50% reduction in the length of the sales cycle.
  3. A 30% decrease in total lead time.
  4. A tenfold increase in the win rate/conversion rate.
  5. Enhanced customer and employee experiences.

This fruitful collaboration within the project has resulted in a high average NPS score (9/10) from all stakeholders. We eagerly anticipate further enriching Autarq's website in alignment with the client's business goals!

Key features


Roof configurator

Merixstudio coded the front-end of the configurator. In just a few steps, it allows users to discover whether Autarq solar roof tiles fit their project and how much of users’ electricity needs can be covered with Autarq solutions. Additionally, they get an approximate solar roof price. This functionality is a 100% digitalized tool, indispensable for users interested in solar roof tiles.


CMS Strapi

We used Node.js to create a headless Content Management System. It is easy-to-use, scalable, and has a low entry threshold for non-developers which means it’s perfect for future website scaleup and modifications. Thanks to this enablement, users get the content they need. Website admins can manage and change the content assets easily based on predefined components, such as titles, paragraphs, images, separators, etc.


Sustainability and green impact enablements

Within the Autarq website, we implemented specific accessibility requirements in line with the modern equitable web design, including screen reader software enablements as well as specific text legibility and keyboard accessibility. We also ensured the highest possible Lighthouse-based accessibility score (100 out of 100) at the production stage for both mobile and desktop versions. The infrastructure is deployed via the Hetzner Online AG hoster, powered by 100% green electricity.

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