Meet Merix: Mateusz - Frontend Developer and Team Leader

The previous interview was about Marcin, one of our Frontend Devs. This time, you can learn something about next Frontend guy. Mateusz, who's always helpful, is a Team Leader here. He is the guy who takes freshmen under his wings. Because Mateusz is experienced coder, who gladly share his knowledge, he also organizes and provides training on various technologies.

  • Tell us something about yourself.
    I like nerd and popular science stuff. When we talk about music - the best form me is indie electronic or metalcore.
  • What are your main responsibilities at MerxiStudio?
    I am a team leader of Frontend team. So I organize and provide internal meetings and training to Fronted Devs. Most often I take care of juniors - I initiate them in projects and technologies we used. Besides, I'm still Frontend Developer, so I realize internal and commercial, and I'm responsible for the quality of the code :)
  • How do you work?
    At first, I look into my daily action plan. Then I start to work with all minor tasks: small improvements and bug fixes. As a result, later I can pay my attention to a project I'm working on completely.
  • Tell us something about beginnings in the company.
    I've been working here for over a year. I started as a Junior Frontend Developer and at the beginning almost everything was new for me. One of the first things which were difficult for me was to write the mobile menu in JavaScript, which had to be based on the desktop menu. Fortunately, I can always rely on colleagues who are helpful, and they provide good advice. Thanks to them I got the better of that task. With time, I was gaining more and more knowledge and experience during working on next projects. And when I got to know Gulp better, I knew that it would be my favorite tool ;)
  • Have you learned something while working at MerixStudio? What?
    Everything, to be honest ;) When I started, I had only basic knowledge of programming. Everything that I can do today, I learned working here. With time, I began to get more and more complicated projects giving me more and more experience. Besides, I could (and still can) count on internal courses. Nowadays I not only participate in those courses but also, as a team leader, I provide them.
  • What do you like working at MerixStudio?
    Free flow of information and contact with peoples. If anything needs to be discussed (internal or commercial project), I can freely talk with anybody and deal with it almost immediately.
  • What cool things have you worked on at MerixStudio?
    Touch&Go, because I had to work with technologies which I had read about a lot, but never had the opportunity to get the most out of them, e.g. Angular, Express, or MongoDB. I worked hard on this project and learned a lot too. The second awesome project I worked on was The Old Axolotl. It's because the website contains a lot of interesting and eye-catching animations using canvas :)
  • What was your first contact with web technologies? When did you make a decision that this is what you want to do?
    My first contact with web technologies was a simple HTML. It was in late elementary and middle school. I abandoned it for many years but finally got back to the matter after graduation. Then I knew that this is what I want to do in my life :) What convinced me was the opportunity to develop continuously - because all web technologies are constantly evolving, and this is why I need to expand my knowledge all the time. And the more expertise, the wider prospects for the future.
  • First thing you do when you get to the office
    I arrange the order of tasks to do that day while drinking coffee ;)
  • iOS or Android?
  • What do you do in a free time after work?
    I play cards, board or computer games. I like to check out new places and restaurants in Poznań with my girlfriend.
  • Where is your favorite place in Poznań?
    At the moment - Eastern Shore.
  • Beer or vodka?
  • Dog or cat?
  • The website you visit the most.
  • Favorite phone app.
    Reddit again :)
  • If you could only visit one website for the rest of your life, what site would that be?
    Reddit. Really. I can find there everything - information about programming, games, events of the world, worldview or even fashion.

Do you have any questions? Write to us - we'll try to answer each of them. In the meantime, we're going to interview another MerixStudio worker.

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