Dev College workshops #5: React

Every time we organize the workshops (together with AKAI), we try to meet expextations and needs of the participants. Following your feedback, we decided to organize meeting on Saturday this time. Consequently, students who is studying or working (or both) could visit us at the office and take part in workshop.

The meeting was led by the duo Mikołaj and Mateusz once again. They inaugurated the cycle in May 2015. Then the boys took up the subject of the Web Sockets. This time they talked about the React library.

Dev College #5: React

After a short introduction, when Mateusz said something about React and Redux, the participants moved to action. The slide projector was displaying a wall of code for a few hours and you could hear only the typing on a kyeboards at the office. The main goal of the meeting was to create application based on above-mentioned technologies. As the result, we worked on simple chat-type application using Web Sockets protocol.

The entire workshop was split into 8 steps - we dealt with such subjects as React components, connection of a database in React to Redux, modules "react-router" and "redux-thunk" and frontend-backend communication via Web Sockets.

Budowa aplikacji z wykorzystaniem biblioteki React

We couldn't forget about something nutritional to eat (it was pizza as usual) and opportunities for networking. Every developer sometimes must leave his/her laptop, eat something and talk with people face to face :) We made use of the break and talked about the technology itself and projects on which we are working at Merixstudio. However, the code tempted and cried, co we came back to work on the application.

Dev College #5: React

We hope that you left the workshop as satisfied as we. We will seeking you at the next Dev College. The information will appear soon, so stay tuned and visit our Facebook profile and Dev College website. Some infomration you can also find on

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Some highlighted content that we want to draw attention to to link to our other resources. It usually contains a link .